I have thoroughly enjoyed December this year. I haven't always been able to say that. Many Decembers I have been running too much, doing all the things like shopping, writing and sending Christmas cards, rehearsing for a big Christmas production at church, along with working shift work and being a mom.
I quit sending Christmas cards several years ago. This is your Christmas card.

Our church no longer does a big Christmas production. The productions were beautiful but as with many things Christmas, we seemed to get lost in the extravagance of it all. Our priorities are different now. The past few years have grown us up a bit, don't you think?
Right now 2024 feels a bit ominous. I'm really not enjoying presidential election years any more. Lord knows what's in store. As I pray for the coming year, I decided to do some things that filled my heart and soul. Hopefully I was able to pass along some joy too.

This December I spent time with family and friends. I went to a Christmas Tea and a Victorian Christmas. Both were at Micah Place, home of G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice. Both events were benefits for the local non-profit, which does work around the world. The events included music and dance that brought tears to my eyes as I considered the beauty and power of creativity to overcome darkness.
This December I shopped local at artisan shows and local galleries. I didn't have a gift list of people to buy for. If I saw something that reminded me of a loved one, I bought it for them. I bought a few things for myself too. I even bought a couple things that I don't yet know who they are for. And I made some Christmas gifts too.

This December also had some struggles and work to be done. Life is far from perfect. But we have hope because our Savior has come into our dark world. He works all things for good according to His purpose, even in our horrible mess that we sometimes find ourselves in. I have a book about Advent, and in it found this by Thomas Merton: "Into this world, this demented inn, in which there is absolutely no room for Him at all, Christ has come uninvited."
Isn't that the truth! We know that we need a Savior. On our own, we just screw things up. God became man and in so doing brought restoration and life to all of us. He brought beauty in the chaos. He brought hope and truth.
In my art, I continue to explore graphite and charcoal, and have some ideas that I'm pretty excited about. I choose to find joy. To find beauty in the chaos. I will share more about that in a future post.

In the meantime, I hope you have a joyous Christmas and I pray God's blessing and protection over you and your family in 2024.

You are a masterpiece.